So Last Week 135
There’s lots of celebrity in this week’s So Last Week. Anderson Cooper is gay. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorce. John Travolta is sued. Plus sex scandals in the air force and why you’re not married yet. It’s all sex news you may have missed.
So last week. City Hall celebrates same sex marriage. Anderson Cooper comes out. Hot or not, who decides?
- Sex scandals won’t fly at Texas Air Force base. (MSNBC)
- In New York State it’s not slanderous to call someone gay, but it can still be insulting. (NYT)
- Anderson Cooper is gay. In his own words. (TheDailyBeast)
- New research reveals men age but their testosterone levels don’t have to. (TheAtlantic)
- Unwed parents are normally poor. (HarvardMagazine)
- You’re angry. You’re a liar. A new book points out some of the reasons why she’s not married yet. (Boston)
- Who makes more noise in bed? (FemaleFirst)
- Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes don’t want to pretend any longer. (WashingtonPost)
- Speaking of cruise, John Travolta is accused of inappropriate sexual misconduct aboard a ship. (MSNBC)
- Porn causes severe, exploding headaches in one man. The solution seems obvious - stop watching porn. (Gawker)
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