So Last Week 104
In this week’s So Last Week, Nicholas Kristof makes birth control sense. Good Men Project explores why, in the human-animal kingdom, cougars are less harmful than silver foxes. Herman Cain isn’t able to convince anyone he’s not the sexually harassing type. Sexual assistants want recognition for their assistance. Ashley Madison isn’t fat friendly. It’s all sex news you may have missed.
pictures from my so last week: On the beach, Long Island. The Will Clark Show, NYC.
- “Can I get an amen?! Contraceptives no more cause sex than umbrellas cause rain.” (NYT)
- Silver foxes do more harm than cougars. (GoodMenProject)
- Raising Cain on sexual harassment. (HuffPo)
- Sexual assistants for disabled clients. What do you know? (news24)
- Why Ashley Madison can suck my big, juicy eggs. (Jezebel)
- Kim Kardashian’s divorce is good for America and women. (TheDailyBeast)
- Is there really any sanctity in marriage? (Sexis)
- Dan Savage gets glitterbombed for being transphobic. (Queerty)
- Mommy is a love artist. Meet Madison Young. (Salon)
- ABC news anchor outs himself during the news. (ABC)
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