Monday, June 28 2010
Condoms with teeth. Christian Sex Shops. Al Gore gets it on with “Grandma.” It’s so last week, sex news you may have missed.

- Condom Dentata. Can a condom with teeth help prevent rape in South Africa? (CNN)
- Pakistan embraces the sexual fringe. (Newsweek)
- 5 ways the iPhone 4 will change your relationship. (YourTango)
- Christian sex toy sites. For couples that pray and play together. (NYDailyNews)
- A massage therapist called “Grandma” claims to be part of an Al Gore sex scandal. (WashingtonPost)
- It takes more than a pill to make a woman feel sexy. (FoxOnSex)
- Different strokes for different folks. Dana Plato, Todd Bridges and blow jobs. (VillageVoice)
- Vibrators are definitely not just for women anymore. (About)
- Teenage girls and the gynecologist. How young is too young? (LATimes)
- Masturbation. One Kangaroo caught on camera. (TheAtlantic)
Posted in so last week by jamye on 06/28/2010 - 8:39am
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