Workshop Testimonials |

"I was blown away by one of Jamye's sex toy workshops.
Seriously, I thought
I knew everything about sex toys, but boy was I wrong. Jamye is an
breath of fresh air and I felt totally liberated when she was finished.
speaks with enough clinical lingo to make if feel legit, but with
normal speak to make if feel real."
- Shawna, Los Angeles
"Your workshop was fabulous! Ever since I took it, my
boyfriend says I give
the best head ever. The fellatio workshop made me a pro...LOL....I've
had a guy scream 'OH G-D!' during fellatio. So thanks again!"
- Nora, New
""I had an awesome time at the workshop last night. It was so
nice to meet you! Wow! Your presence and honesty are arousing."
- Jessica Ryan, New York
here for upcoming events with Jamye!
What is a workshop?
Workshops are generally 90 minutes in length and cover topics like
techniques for better sex, ways to talk to your partner (in and out of
bedroom), the lowdown on sex toys and anatomy. Workshops may be
tailored to
fit specific needs* and there is no minimum amount of people required
hold private workshops. All workshops take place in private locations,
usually selected by the workshop participants. Workshops consist of
Click on a workshop topic below to learn more:
Workshops are great for bachelorette parties, nights out, private
social functions, college lectures or any event that brings people
together in a fun, relaxed environment with a focus on learning about
sex and sensuality.
JamYe to discuss price and availability.
*Jamye is also available to design workshops that fit individual needs
and requirements.
Real Sex vs. Porn Sex
Sex on film is a whole lot different than sex in real life. Adult actors and
actresses are sexual superstars, bending and twisting in ways most
"civilians" can't. In this workshop Jamye invites you to dissect the sex in
porn, and takes you behind the scenes to uncover how reality is turned into
fantasy. From lubrication and communication to things you should only see in
porn (and even that's debatable) Jamye will break down the barriers between
real sex and porn sex, and help you navigate your own sex life so that you
can get the best information, and education, from both worlds.
In this workshop we'll discuss aspects of what goes in to making an adult
film, and and tips on how you should and shouldn't have sex like a porn
- Learn more about female orgasms and their validity in porn. Plus how to
make her have an orgasm.
- Communication. The way the porn stars do it behind the scenes, and ways
you can communicate better in your own sex life.
- Lubrication. Outside of spit, you don't see a lot of it in porn, but it's
being used, so how do you use it?
- Dressing Up and Dressing Down: What you can wear to make both yourself and
your partner feel sexy.
- Oral and Anal Sex: How the Stars do it, and tips that can help anyone have
pleasurable anal sex.
- Positions: Why some positions are better left to the pros, and ways you
can change the positions in your sex life.
- Things You See in Porn But Aren't Always Fit for Real Life: We'll talk
about ATM, Facials - things that you see in porn but that you don't
necessarily want to see in your own sex life.

Pump Up the Passion
Even the greatest relationships can use a little zing. Whether you're
looking for ways to keep your relationship in the groove, or trying to
discover a new way to move, this couple's only workshop will help take your
relationship to an even deeper level. A great place for couples to
communicate more of their sexual desires, and a safe space to delve into
fantasies, erotica, sexual positions and dirty talk - you will leave this
workshop feeling like you've just met. This is a date night you don't want
to miss.
In this workshop you'll discover:
- Ways to communicate with your partner through touch and talk
- Role-play scenarios that get you in the mood
- How to dirty talk, even if you're shy
- Ways to incorporate erotic stories and films into your sensual
- Tips on anal stimulation - it is after all an equal opportunity erogenous

The Sexth Sense
Sex isn't only about orgasm, or is it? No, of course not, if it were,
sex would get just plain dull and lifeless. Learning how to incorporate
your five senses into your sex play will help keep foreplay alive and
exciting. Using your senses of taste, touch, sight, sound and smell,
sexplore ways to enhance your sex life without focusing on getting to
orgasm so quickly. Learn new techniques to touch your lover, figure out
foods that are fun for play, how to watch porn together and incorporate
toys that tickle your fancy. Enjoy your lover on a whole other level.
Great for singles and couples!
A few things you'll know by the end of the day:
- Ways to expand your orgasmic potential and ways
to potentially help premature ejaculation
- Aphrodisiac Foods that turn people on
- A variety of techniques for touching your
- Why it's not important to always focus on
- Simple breathing techniques to deeply connect
with your partner or yourself

Sex Boot Camp: Blowjob Basics
From spitting to swallowing to taking it all in, this class is designed
to teach "givers" how to sexually please the men in their lives. From
basic anatomy, to the not so basic of places, to turning him on and
getting him off - using your hands and your mouth - discover various
tricks and techniques that will help you change the way you love your
A few things you'll learn when going from suck to blow:
- The hidden parts of a man's genital anatomy and
how to touch the Prostate
- Ways to handle any sized man
- Hand and Mouth techniques that will keep him
around, including how to take him deep in your mouth
- How to communicate what you want both with and
without dialogue
- Toys that boys can use to enhance their

Uncovering the O: Female Orgasms and More!
More! More!
For women and men, a class designed to teach anyone the ins and outs of
pleasing a woman. Using our bodies and our brains - learn how to turn
on female partners, or, for women, learn how to turn yourself on and
bring yourself to a whole other level of body comfort. Masturbation
techniques than anyone can use and frank talk about sex and the body,
this class will teach you the basics, and then some, about sex and
What you'll learn by the end:
- The differences in orgasm between men and women
- How to have a clitoral orgasm
- The what and where of G-Spot stimulation
- Techniques for using your tongue
- Explore various types of erotica that can be
used in conjunction with the brain to turn her on

Sex Toys: How to Choose Them, How to Use Them
Sex toys are a great way to enhance any relationship or to vary up your
own masturbation rituals, but there are so many different types of toys
on the market, it's hard to know what ones to buy and how to use them.
This class teaches the basics about various toys, including the latest
sex toys, and teaches the where and how to find what you're looking for.
What you'll take away from this class:
The differences between dildos and vibrators, the
materials that they're made out of, how to use them and how to clean
Innovative ways to use sex toys that you can find
around the house
Toys for Boys
How couples can incorporate toys into their
The different types of lubes and condoms
available and how to find one that's right for you

Ask Jamye Anything!
A DIY workshop that allows participants to ask anything they want around sex
and dating. This unique workshop allows participants to ask their own
questions on techniques, tricks, positions and concerns. From the difference
between the G-spot and A-spot to how to use a Cock Ring and what's the best
condom for long sessions, Playgirl sex blogger, and former sex advice columnist, Jamye Waxman will provide candid and informative answers to your burning sex
