Friday, December 18 2009
A few weeks back New York Magazine did an Intelligencer on threesomes. The piece was inspired by Gossip Girl - which aired an episode that involved a three-way sex scene. The three-way was later called “reckless and irresponsible” by the Parents Television Council. I haven’t seen the episode, actually I’ve never even seen any episode of Gossip Girl, but I do love how three-way sex is reckless and irresponsible, but car chases, gun fights and violence aren’t. Regardless, here are a three tidbits about threesomes for you to chew on, and spit back out, this holiday party season.
1. The difference between a three-way and a ménage à trois is that a ménage à trois is technically translated to mean “household of three” and while the three people there may be engaging in sexual relations, the point is they are also living together.
2. In 1930, Outlaw robbers Bonnie and Clyde had a young assistant-in-crime called William who would not only aid them in robbing sh*t, but would (allegedly) service their private parts as well. Other famous figures who’ve had interesting threesomes include Ernest Hemingway and Nietzsche.
3. In a 2004 ABC Primetime Live poll, 14 percent of people who responded had reportedly engaged in a threesome. However, according to preeminent sexuality research center, The Kinsey Institute, it’s difficult to compile data on this sort of extracurricular activity.
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 12/18/2009 - 8:32am
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