Monday, December 14 2009
Tiger’s a cheetah, we’ve heard the jokes and after 11 women have come forth, we keep waiting for more. Speaking of more, is a tax on plastic surgery going to stop people from taking it all in? Plus, is casual sex getting more casual? You heard it last week, but you’ll read about it now.
- Be still his cheating heart. Jenny Block asks why everyone’s really so surprised about Tiger Woods cheating. (
- Want more Tiger? Hear and here porn star Holly Sampson talks about sex with Woods. (Huffpost via TMZ)
- The Boob and Bo”tax” - a tax on cosmetic surgery isn’t cutting it for everyone. (Slate)
- Can casual sex remain casual? Emotions don’t have to run high, at least not among some of Minnesota’s 18 - 24 year olds. (Star Tribune)
- A man known as Pricasso paints portraits with his penis and another entrepreneur wants to make his first one million dollar sex toy. All this and more! (Forbes)
- RIP Marty Fishbein. (Philadelphia Inquirer)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 12/14/2009 - 8:09am
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