Monday, November 10 2008
It’s a shorty this week as I’m running now (well, not running, but walking) to catch a bus to Boston to teach at Good Vibes Brookline tonight and tomorrow night. A limited number of tickets are still available for both workshops in case you’re in the area and want to stop in. Now for some news:
- In 2010 (which sounds farther away than it is) there’s a new birthing center opening in New York! Sex toy shop Babeland is throwing them a party. Hooray for having babies outside of hospitals!
- The second installment of the Sex Bloggers Calendar Video is up. It’s a sneak peak of what’ you’ll be getting when you buy your 2009 calendar. See you at the party on Friday!
- Ducky Doolittle outs herself. The world has been waiting for this one, or at least I have. Especially since last week, when Arkansas went anti-child.
- Researchers claim foreplay is overrated in the Czech republic. Is it a European thing? I think foreplay is overrated too, but only bad foreplay.
- Dave Stewart, co-founder and former member of the Eurythmics, might have once helped you rock out, but now he’s hoping to help you get your rocks off with his latest business venture.
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 11/10/2021 - 12:58pm
Tell Me You Love Me