Tuesday, November 4 2008
You only get a minute or two in them, but I’ve thought of two other things you can do in that voting booth before you cast your ballot. You can probably get away with both of these with or without the curtains open, depending on what you’re wearing.
Peer down your pants. Before you check the box for next President (if you haven’t decided, I’m going ask you to please vote Obama. I did say please), check inside your pants. You’re just looking to make sure everything’s hanging okay or that it all feels warm and happy. And then remind yourself, to check “you” out later tonight, and when you get home today/tonight, take a few minutes, even just as long as you were in the voting booth, and think about the fact that our country can have change, and think how good it can feel. Then feel it with your hands down your pants.
Reflect. Most of us probably already do this right before we cast our ballot, but why not take a few extra seconds and really think about where we’re at, and where we want to go. I like to think about ways all of our collective decisions can make a difference. I’ll try to remind myself to remember this more often. To remember about the collective unconscious. And to try to tap into it every now and again, and again, and again. You can reflect, you can meditate, call it whatever you want and do it however you do it. Right there in the voting booth. Even for a few seconds, and definitely not for too long if there’s a line. Especially not if it’s a long line (I’m hypersensitive to other people’s needs when we’re all in line form).
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 11/4/2021 - 9:06am
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