Thursday, May 13 2004
speaking of first kisses
…and more, the May installment of P.S.122’s monthly all-blogger series of readings and performances, the WYSIWYG Talent Show, brings you “Ladies First: The Hottest Women of Blog Dish about the First Time They…” This all-female evening of stories and songs explores sexual firsts and will take place on Tuesday, May 18 at 7:30pm.
Performers for “Ladies First” are:
* Sarah Lewitinn
* Eurotrash
* Rachel Kramer Bussel
* Lindsay Robertson
* ME
* Jessica Delfino
* Nichelle
* GirlyNYC
The WYSIWYG Talent Show’s performance of “Ladies First: The Hottest Women
of Blog Dish about the First Time They…” will be presented at P.S. 122 on
Tuesday, May 18, at 7:30pm. The WYSIWYG Talent Show is a monthly showcase for the oft-overlooked genius of bloggers in or visiting New York City.
More information
P.S. 122 is located at 150 First Avenue at 9th St. (accessible from the #6
at Astor Place or the L at First Avenue). Tickets are $7 – that’s less
than $1 per performer, people! - and can be purchased at the door or in
advance at the P.S. 122 box office at 212-477- 5288 or online at Ticketweb
Okay, I am definitely nervous, so if you can’t make it, I can totally understand. I am doing a piece on my first kiss. This show is going to be way cooler than any winter in NYC. And the gals are totally hot. Hot and cold…Sweet and Sour…There or Not…
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 05/13/2004 - 1:19pm
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