Thursday, June 24 2010
Phone Sex: Threesome
It’s Thursday, which means TiT (Thursdays I Talk). Podcast number two is up. It’s a primer on phone sex, but really it’s just me and good old Fifi Jingles jabbering on about her phone sex life and my phone sex questions. If you want some quick tips, here are three:
- Be descriptive, as in don’t just say “I like when you use your fingers on me”, say “I like it when you insert your middle finger into my belly button.”
- Listen and react to what you’re partner is saying, not just with short and shallow uh-huh’s (unless you’re in the middle of some really intense solo sex play) but with some, “oh, your middle finger in my belly button feels so tingly and good” too.
- The brain is a seriously powerful sex organ and phone sex helps you think about ways to communicate sexually and adds intimacy. Work your brain out so it keeps working for you. Yeah, that’s inspiration!
More? I wrote this Phone Sex for Beginners post for YourTango.
Or just listen to Hot Sox Podcast Duh (as in Deux, or two).
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 06/24/2010 - 11:08am
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