Monday, June 21 2010
This week’s so last week: sex news you may have missed, may require a modern web dictionary to understand words like FGM in NYC, flibanserin, textual harassment, muslim sex shop and sexsomnia. Or, maybe not.
- Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is being performed by a pediatric urologist by the name of Dix Poppas (fitting?) at Cornell University. Follow up visitors involve applying vibration to a six-year-old girls’ clitoris. Science or sexual abuse? (TheStranger)
- Push to market Flibanserin pill stirs up debate on sexual desire. (NYTimes)
- Sex while sleeping? Canadian researchers find that 1 in 12 people suffer from sexsomnia. (
- So today: Textual harrassment. Text messages become a growing weapon in dating violence. (WashingtonPost)
- The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) calls AIM Healthcare Foundation “a figleaf for the adult industry.” Investigation ensues. (Xbiz)
- El Asira isn’t your average online sex shop. It’s the “first online halal sex shop specially designed for Muslim couples looking to spice up their marriage while adhering to Islamic principles.” (LATimes)
- Study shows lesbian moms don’t screw up their kids. (AfterEllen)
- When is it legal to masturbate in public? (Asylum)
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 06/21/2010 - 9:47am
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