Tuesday, June 15 2010
Perusing my local interweb for not-so-local news, I stumbled across The Magic Pill That Makes Oral Sex Taste Great. A pill, to make oral sex taste great? I scoffed at the idea. Not only because oral sex shouldn’t taste bad to begin with, but what are we talking about here? The taste of liquids that come out of the genitals, the nether regions themselves, or both?!
Then I realized that I actually had samples of this very same pill (it changes the taste of the secretions/ejaculation), a pill that was being called BOP. And there it was, sitting off on the far corner of my desk. In fact, I had two samples of these pills, BOP for him and BOP for her and I had been toying with the idea of actually swallowing the ones assigned to my assigned, or rather, accepted, gender. I’ve been hesitant. I’m wary of taking any types of pills that say they’re going to change something about my sex life. And typing this I realize, that is somewhat strange as I’m not opposed to taking pills that alter other parts of my chemical composition. I wonder why that is?
Not the point, but still interesting to me.
I haven’t thought much about needing BOP. I’ve been a vegetarian for almost 23 years, and research and “rumor” has it that vegetarians are at least slightly better tasting in their sexy bits than our carnivorous counterparts. Some people say non-meat eaters taste sweeter, and from my own research I believe that the taste of the ejaculate is definitely easier to swallow if he’s not a big drinker or bison burger muncher.
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Posted in seX matters by jamye on 06/15/2010 - 10:34am
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