Monday, June 14 2010
This week’s so last week, sex (and other people) news you may have missed, scans the brain and the mouth for insights into sex, marriage and moaning, plus which World Cup Soccer teams are banned from having sex during soccer?

- Researchers study brain scans for insight into marriage. (NYTimes)
- Do women make noise during sex to manipulate their male partners? What about lesbians? New research points to a “giant female conspiracy to make men soundproof their homes.” (io9)
- No sex please, we’re soccer players. (Newsweek)
- Mark Twain had sex toys and other things the writer didn’t care for you to know about. (Dailybeast)
- The fake feminism of Sarah Palin. (WashingtonPost)
- Evolution of the boob (and I’m not talking Sarah Palin again here). (Playboy)
- Can pets improve your relationship? (PsychCentral)
- New gender regulations make passports transgender friendly. (CarnalNation)
- Speaking of trans, my dear friend Morty Diamond makes the Big Jewcy list of Jews to watch out for motherf*$%!* (Jewcy)
- Sex for baseball tickets still not legal in all 50 states. (BBC)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 06/14/2010 - 8:42am
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