Tuesday, March 30 2010
Not to be confused with the lady as a beard…
Hair has been my friend and my foe. From my arms to my lower back to my legs and in between them, I’ve got hair. Dark, thick, often curly hair - unless, of course I shave it off, which I do on my legs and under my pits, but don’t so much anymore, anywhere else.
When I’m shooting my adult educational materials, I often ask the performers to keep some hair-down-there. I’m surprised at how many people don’t want to, or simply won’t. I think that porn has done a major disservice to pubic hair. I’m not saying I like long, jungle strands of hair, I’m all for the trim, and even the shape, but I’m not a big fan of a shaved peach or penis. No, and ouch.
When I was younger I hated how hairy I was, but now I’m glad I’ve got hair, especially on my head. Still, I manage to groom the places where it makes me self conscious, around the outskirts of my bikini area as well as my upper lips and brows, but if I didn’t, I wonder how dark it would get. The stache that is. Cause these pics from Gloria Brame’s website make me think of that. Bearded ladies. I think they had to have some pretty high self esteem. I mean, wouldn’t you?
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 03/30/2010 - 6:52am
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