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Monday, March 29 2010

so last week .23

This week’s so last week goes from scandal at the Vienna Boys Choir to spicy foods and sexy ladies to oral sex cancer, we’re focusing on the mouth here, with those big, plump lips, pearly whites and deep, deep throats. It’s so last week: sex news you may have missed.

  • One hot tamale: Tony Stamolis shoots spicy food and sexy ladies. Definitely NSFW. (Details)
  • Why do we say we “use” porn? Charlie Glickman makes a good point. (GoodVibes)
  • Vienna Boys Choir Sex Scandal. Shocking, really? Uhm, not so much! (TimesOnline)
  • Allison Cooper’s story of falling in love with a transgender man. (O)
  • Oral sex, HPV and mouth cancer. Is it all talk? (Time)
  • Fruit of fungi sex, or more accurately the sex lives of Périgord Black Truffles. (NYTimes)
  • Author Suzanne Portnoy was once the UK’s Queen of online dates, but now she’s hitting delete. (SuzannePortnoy)
  • Jimmyjane meets Chelsea Lately via Kelly Cutrone. (Stylelite)

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