Monday, March 22 2010
The Celebrity so last week sex edition. Whether you know them for being famous, infamous or you’re like who the f*ck is this?, this week’s so last week looks at celebrity, porn, penis, proms and sex.
- Dana Delany on sex after 50. (USA Today)
- Tiger’s lawyers have spoken. No more sex toys of Tiger’s wood. (HuffingtonPost)
- That whole lesbian-wearing-a-tuxedo-cancels-prom-thing makes this world a still-scary place to be who you are, but Ellen heals all (okay helps some) with a $30K check for Constance McMillen. (ABC)
- Big Dick can’t get into the New Museum in NYC. (CarnalNation)
- Casting call for Pirates of the Caribbean 4 asks for wenches without boob jobs (and more). (Moviehole)
- GQ&A. Rielle Hunter of the John Edwards undoing gets “real” and on the record. “It is not my desire to teach my daughter that when Mommy’s upset with Daddy, you take matters into your own hands and fix Daddy’s mistakes. Which I view as one of the biggest problems in all female-and-male relationships…” (GQ)
- “Porn for Women.” A Dove study reveals that men do some (13 hours/week) housework, but still feel they aren’t cleaning up in the acknowledgment department. (DailyMail)
Posted in so last week by jamye on 03/22/2010 - 8:03am
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