Wednesday, April 23 2008
Men, want a good reason to wank and wank and wank some more?
According to another recent study of 1,000 men (this one by the Cancer Council of Victoria), masturbation may lower the risk of developing prostate cancer, especially if you do it a lot LOT. Like more than five times a week. Apparently MORE than five times a week means reducing your risk of prostate cancer by one-third.
What is the prostate you (may) ask? Well, the prostate plays an important role in both semen production and ejaculation. And since, not to be a downer here, but I am, lots of men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime, survey says choking the chicken may rid the cock of carcinogens. So next time your partner is jealous of your jacking off, tell them that you’re doing it so you can live longer and spend more time loving them.
Women, looking for a reason to double click the mouse? Another study, done way before this last one, showed that women who masturbated had higher levels of estrogen (aka oestrogen outside of the USA) in their blood. Higher levels of estrogen lead to healthier cardiovascular systems, lower bad cholesterol, and more beautiful skin. Added bonus: regular orgasms may help regulate your menstrual cycle, as well as relieve menstrual crampage. Can you say “oh yeah, that feels good” with me.
So… step away from the computer now and wank one out for your health.
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 04/23/2008 - 2:47pm
Tell Me You Love Me

April 24th, 2008 at 4:12 pm
Good idea…..I’ll do one right now.
May 4th, 2008 at 1:24 pm
Jayme, are there any studies on the effects of prostate massage and/or male anal sex on prostate cancer? I’ve tried to look it up myself, on the internet, of course, but all I can find is porn. Mayhaps I’ll have to go to a library or something.