Monday, April 7 2008
Handy. My choice for smurf sex.
New order of business. Let’s give a hearty (warm and moist were other adjectives that came to mind) welcome to Naked City. A new blog by Village Voice Media - written and edited by the talented and loquacious Audacia Ray. And when you watch the (NSFW) Porno Jim video that Ray shot and edited, you’ll get to see smurf sex too. I like smurf sex. Too bad we didn’t get to see much of it in the animated form. But it got me thinking, how often do you think Smurfette got laid? And who was the best smurf f*ck? Brainy Smurf seemed to uptight, and Vanity liked himself too much. I’m trying to think which Smurf I’d even do, if I had to do a Smurf. I think it’d be Handy. I like the overalls, and he’s obviously very handy (buddumpbump), which is a fabulous skill. He’s my choice. Who’s yours?
Now file this under total grossness. Or it’s more like if Papa Smurf did it with Smurfette.
Via Boinkology - Father, daughter have child together.
There are a lot of things I’m cool with, but having sex with my dad is absolutely, definitely, without a sliver of a doubt NOT one of them. Apparently Jenny and John Deaves wouldn’t agree with me. 30 years after her dad left her ass back in Australia, she reunited with her father and thought he’s not so bad (looking) and eventually she might have said, “Daddy, will you do me?” and then Daddy might have answered “Hells, yeah, I was hoping you’d ask” because the two of them began to have a sexual relationship with each other. A consenting adult sexual relationship, perhaps, but does that really matter when you’re doing your daddy? Even if you haven’t spoken in thirty years?
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Posted in seX matters by jamye on 04/7/2021 - 10:51am
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