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Thursday, March 27 2008

Cherry TV and me!

Cherry TV is live! Words can’t express how lucky I feel to be part of this site. If you want to see me dishing on BJ’s, vibrators and lubes, go to Fresh Advice and watch away! But be warned, there are plenty of other great reasons to watch Cherry TV, like the women’s roundtable and Yvonne Fulbright’s Fresh Advice too.

And thanks to Lux Nightmare for her fantastic write-up of Personal Touch 3: Exploring the O via Fleshbot. I do agree with her, it is the best one in the series (that’s not to say I don’t love something about all the movies, but this is definitely my favorite). But this is the only one of the films where all three scenes, are worth the watch.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled programming…

Tell Me You Love Me


