Wednesday, March 26 2008
I was recently wading through a sea of emails on the subject of the placement of semen on one’s body. It seems that when it comes to where semen is deposited, coming on the face of the “semen-recipient” illicits the most debate.
Porn has placed a high value on the facial, a standard and seemingly erotic act of depositing semen around the eyes, nose and mouth. It has shown women, and men, eagerly anticipating the final moments of his orgasmic climax when he’ll spurt, spurt and splatter near an open facial orifice. Often times the performer being spurted on looks a bit like a deer caught in headlights, wanting to run out of the way, but frozen in the moment between dry mouth and wet face.
I’ve seen this traditional “Oh no, you’re about to come on my face,” face in more adult movies than I care to admit, and while in my personal life, a little come on the face can be erotic for both parties involved, when it comes to watching it in the movies, I’m not a fan. To me, the intimacy of the act, and the possible degrading feelings that may ensue, should be taken into consideration more often than they are on film. If you aren’t comfortable with your partner, or, if like in most porn, you just met that day, a little come on the face is usually a little too much.
And definitely, no matter what don’t get it in the eyes, it burns like a motherf*cker on fire.
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Posted in seX matters by jamye on 03/26/2008 - 8:50am
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