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Tuesday, March 18 2008

Sex Work: One opinion at a time

Did I mention that I’m in LA?

This morning I did the Boomer and Carton show on WFAN. Although I don’t really follow sports, actually sex is a sport so I guess I follow one sport, I was really stoked to be able to hang with the boys for but a moment. I mean even I, a fan of only the commercials during the Superbowl, was stoked to talked to Boomer, a legend in the field of football, although since I don’t know the sport I don’t know why he’s a legend (and yes, I know, I can google it and find out). We were talking about Spitzer and McGreevey and some other political figure who had an emotional and physical affair.

It just came out that McGreevey had a threesome, while married, with another man and his wife. The only thing I can really say is go McGreevey! I think his wife is denying it, which I sort of understand, I mean it is her private life and she may just want to keep it private. This is the big news out of that camp. Then, of course, there’s Spitzer, who as the world knows by now, hooked up with a sex worker, and spent a lot of money doing so. Lastly, there’s this other political figure (I know it’s a particular person, but it really could be any politician in this day and age) who has gone even further, falling in love, or deep like, or whatever, with another woman, a woman that he didn’t pay to have sex with him.

Boomer (I think it was him, so many voices, and I was only one lone voice on the phone) put the three sexual “offenses” in order of seriousness. He placed the threesome at the bottom of the rank, as in most unserious (I know not a real word), then the Spitzer affair and then this other politician at the top. I agree. I think emotional investments in sex are the most dangerous. Far more dangerous than the other two, as long as safer sex measures were taken in cases one and two.

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