Wednesday, March 12 2008
Almost everything from my last post about Spitzer. Almost everything. I’m glad Spitzer resigned today. It would be one thing if it were just a sex scandal, something that happened once, or even once in a while, but the lying, hypocritical soon to be ex-Governor is totally disgusting and I’m glad he’s gone. In the words of Al Franken, Spitzer is a lying liar who lies. And I think liars and hypocrites suck big time.
Sorry to be so negative. But it isn’t only the sex scandal - with a 22 year old woman - that makes hims suck. Don’t forget last year, when he got into trouble after certain members of his staff used the State Police to help spread evil words about Joseph L. Bruno, his chief Republican rival.
Bad Spitzer. Bad.
And I hear he didn’t even show remorse during his resignation. It’s like he wanted to get caught.
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 03/12/2021 - 7:17pm
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