Tuesday, March 4 2008
All the rage or all outrage?
ABC reports. I decide.
First off, I know some old school feminists (mainly Rebecca Chalker) who don’t even think the G-spot exists. I mean she doesn’t think that the name is right, and Chalker also thinks that the idea of it as a spot is inaccurate. She calls it the clitoral cluster, and the other night, in her “Walking Tour Through the Clitoris” workshop at Babeland, she basically denied that there exists something called the G-spot. From the looks on people’s faces, I knew she had hit another type of spot; one I refer to as a sore spot.
Whether or not you believe in the holy grail known as the G-spot, there are a lot of people who not only believe in it, but who believe in the mighty power of its pleasure. And not all of them know where to find it and what to do with it when they get there.
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Posted in seX matters by jamye on 03/4/2021 - 4:00pm
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