Sunday, March 2 2008
The headline read “Spanking Kids Increases Risk of Sexual Problems as Adults,” which to me seemed more like a shocking! horrific! headline straight from a Geraldo episode than actual, scientific and accurate research. But it was research, research done by Murray Straus, the co-director of the Family Research Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire. According to Mr. Murray spanking has some potentially serious side effects for sexual adults.
Straus says that spankee’s (those who get spanked by spankers) are more likely to verbally and physically coerce a dating partner to have sex. They are also more likely to engage in risky sex, for example premarital sex without a condom, and they are more likely to enjoy masochistic sex, like being aroused by a good slap on the ass while they’re doing it.
Here’s what I think. I think I hate these types of studies. They’re silly. I was spanked as a child. It feels like a dirty confession these days. To actually say yes, my parents took their hand and flailed it against my young, round bum seems so wrong. Even though then, and now, a lot of people think its right. I’m not a fan of punitive spanking. I don’t think it’s because I got spanked, I actually like sexual spanking, but it’s because I would have rather had my parents try to communicate, as in talk with me, instead of raising their hand. I don’t blame my parents. They were young. I was difficult.
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Posted in seX matters by jamye on 03/2/2021 - 5:00pm
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