Thursday, November 29 2007
I had originally posted an email with the amazing! new! website for my Personal Touch Video Series. Unfortunately there are still a few technical glitches that need to be worked out, and so until further notice (re:the link is really ready), you should not go there. After all, when you see it, it should be the best it can be, which is sort of like it is in the Army - where, they (being the army) say you can be the best you can be. If you don’t die in a meaningless war that is.
What I’m trying to say is if you’ve come here because you’ve been emailed a post about a particular link (see above), you may find yourself rather disappointed. But don’t be. The link will be back next week. And there are plenty of other reasons to be disappointed. This is not one of them. Now, if you’ve just stumbled upon this post and find it rather boring, please note that I’m in a rather boring mood tonight. It’s nothing personal. It just is what it is.
See, I’m a really social person but sometimes I have anti-social tendencies. And tonight is/was one of those times. Which kind of sucked, because there I was (as in, am not now), in a room full of progressive and amazing sexual performers, writers, weirdos and intellectuals and all I wanted to do was be here, at home, not having, or having anything to do with, sex. But really I wish I wanted to be out having fun because, well, it would have been fun to want to have fun tonight. So why couldn’t I get my brain wrapped around being out and having fun?
I know. Timing is everything. And tonight I was (and am) timed out.
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 11/29/2007 - 8:46pm
Tell Me You Love Me