Thursday, November 15 2007
I got, what I’d call a fantastic write-up on Fleshbot for Personal Touch Volume One: Toying with Pleasure. Volume Two: Seeking Monogamy without Monotony was just released too!!! I’ll link to it soon, but I will say this now, I like it…I like it a lot.
I have lots more to say, especially about this stupid People magazine naming Matt Damon sexiest man alive (I mean how do you figure that?), but it will have to wait, as I’m about to head out to Denver in about six hours and I’m not ready yet. But I will be ready tomorrow, when I’m at hysteria sex shop at 6:30PM for a wine and cheese meet and greet and a workshop on female masturbation!
Posted in personal touch, seX matters by jamye on 11/15/2007 - 9:17pm
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