Saturday, May 22 2004
We all have more than one personality when you really think about it.

The “Other” Woman…
I changed the hair, got some makeup done, and became someone who is still a part of me, only different. It was actually more fun than I thought it would be, it was better than gremlins better than E.T. (I still confuse then and than) - and honestly I didn’t want to take the hair off. And the great thing is, I don’t have to – cause I own it, which means I can wear my hair anytime, anywhere.
So if I show up to your place looking like this, instead of the way you’re accustomed to seeing me, don’t be alarmed. It’s still me, only I look wild. Well, maybe it’s not just look…
Oh, and this just in…
BERLIN (Reuters) - Women watching erotic films are stimulated in a part of the brain associated with planning and emotion, research from scientists in Germany said Friday.
When scientists from Essen University put volunteers in a brain scanning tube and showed them pornography they found both men and women showed activity in the temporal lobes linked to memory and perception, but only women used their frontal lobes.
Unfortunately the researchers were not able to determine if their findings meant that while men lost themselves in the moment the busy modern professional woman was also planning her wardrobe, scheduling the vacation and juggling her tax receipts.
“We don’t know why these differences between men and women exist. They just do,” said institute director Michael Forsting.
Gee! Women thinking more then men…is this really news? I don’t know about you, but I’m not quite sure of the importance of releasing this information. I guess I’m using my frontal lobes too much…Do I even have more than one?
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 05/22/2004 - 8:21am
Tell Me You Love Me

March 21st, 2005 at 3:54 pm rimedon, per ni venkis multajn gvidistojn malsago kaj demandoj. Ci kreitajoj nenion — ili ne komprenas sarkasmon. Neniam mia vivo estis tiel tiel trankvila, plena de paco, kiel kiam mi ke Mikel-Angelo vivas plu. eltiris ci sciigon el gvidisto. Li nin tra da pentrajoj skulptajoj en vastaj koridoroj Vatikano, tra da pentrajoj skulptajoj en aliaj palacoj; montris al la grandan de la Kapelo kaj kiuj suficus freskigi la cielon, — cio estis de Mikel-Angelo. decidis uzi li rimedon, kiu ni jam multajn — malsago idiotaj demandoj. tiuj kreitajoj suspektas — tute ne la sarkasmon.
April 26th, 2005 at 5:32 am
Just to be flippant for a moment:Anyone else notice the similarities getween the Bush administration and the Borg?’Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated into the New World Corporate Order!’On a serious ending note, the Bush administration has just declared war on everyone else in space. I’m beginning to wonder if these clowns aren’t rogue Scientologists who took L. Ron Hubbard’s disgusting science-fiction vision of A future and are trying to make it THE future.Softwaredata recoveryVoIPWhat is WiFiInternet TelephonyVoIP ProviderVoIP SoftwareVoIP Services What is VoIPVoIP Phone SystemVoIP DrawbackVoIP ArchitectureVoIP Solutions VoIP ReviewsVoIP TechnologyWiFi CardsWiFi AntenaWiFi IEEE WiFi RangeWiFi WAPWiFi futureWiFi SecurityWiFi Hotspot WiFi BluetoothWiFi Drawbackwhat is data lossdata recoveryraid data recoverydata recovery softwarehard drive data recoverydata recovery servicehard disk data recoverydisk data recovery emergency data recoveryrecovery solutionsComputer Data RecoveryNetwork securityFireWall securityAbout UsNetwork securityContact usSite MapFirewallSecurity TipsFirewallRole of IPHacker TechnologiesVPNRelated Topics Application Layer AttacksIP AddressingIP Spoofing Netwark security scannerNetwork packet sniffersPassword attacksProtecting confidential informationSecurityTrusted Networkbusiness cardsflightsfirewallcar rentalnetwork securitycruisesweddingcorporate giftscheap flightsantivirus softwareBackground ChecksCRMVOIPFree VoIPDefinition of VOIPVoIP ArchitectureVOIP ReviewsAuto Telephone DialersUnlimited Free VOIPCRM software reviewsVOIP TechnologiesVoIP ProviderBPOERPAutomotive SoftwareFree driver downloadsVoIP ArchitectureMedical billing softwareConstruction softwareDatabase managementWeb designing softwarevideo conferencingsecure video conferencingweb vs video conferencingconferencingPOS softwareGamesLindsay LohanLindsay LohanLindsay Lohan BiographyLindsay Lohan GalleryLindsay Lohan RumorsLindsay Lohan NewsLindsay Lohan Top Movie’sLindsay Lohan GlamorLindsay Lohan Life StyleLindsay Lohan Parent Trap Lindsay Lohan’s DVDBackground ChecksBackground Checks Education VerificationEmployment VerificationBackground ChecksAsset SearchBankruptcy RecordsBusiness BackgroundContractor ScreeningDrivers LicenseScuba DivingScuba DivingRescueScuba Diving EquipmentHot spotsRecreational divingCommercial divingScientific diving Diving suitsScuba Diving LessonsStaying fit for divingService ProvidersHealth Check-up for diving Places for Scuba Divingbackground checksdata recoverywifiscuba divingnetwork securitylindsay lohanvoipconferencingsoftware
April 28th, 2005 at 5:58 am
Just to be flippant for a moment:Anyone else notice the similarities getween the Bush administration and the Borg?’Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated into the New World Corporate Order!’On a serious ending note, the Bush administration has just declared war on everyone else in space. I’m beginning to wonder if these clowns aren’t rogue Scientologists who took L. Ron Hubbard’s disgusting science-fiction vision of A future and are trying to make it THE future.Softwaredata recoveryVoIPWhat is WiFiInternet TelephonyVoIP ProviderVoIP SoftwareVoIP Services What is VoIPVoIP Phone SystemVoIP DrawbackVoIP ArchitectureVoIP Solutions VoIP ReviewsVoIP TechnologyWiFi CardsWiFi AntenaWiFi IEEE WiFi RangeWiFi WAPWiFi futureWiFi SecurityWiFi Hotspot WiFi BluetoothWiFi Drawbackwhat is data lossdata recoveryraid data recoverydata recovery softwarehard drive data recoverydata recovery servicehard disk data recoverydisk data recovery emergency data recoveryrecovery solutionsComputer Data RecoveryNetwork securityFireWall securityAbout UsNetwork securityContact usSite MapFirewallSecurity TipsFirewallRole of IPHacker TechnologiesVPNRelated Topics Application Layer AttacksIP AddressingIP Spoofing Netwark security scannerNetwork packet sniffersPassword attacksProtecting confidential informationSecurityTrusted Networkbusiness cardsflightsfirewallcar rentalnetwork securitycruisesweddingcorporate giftscheap flightsantivirus softwareBackground ChecksCRMVOIPFree VoIPDefinition of VOIPVoIP ArchitectureVOIP ReviewsAuto Telephone DialersUnlimited Free VOIPCRM software reviewsVOIP TechnologiesVoIP ProviderBPOERPAutomotive SoftwareFree driver downloadsVoIP ArchitectureMedical billing softwareConstruction softwareDatabase managementWeb designing softwareconferencingvideo conferencingsecure video conferencingweb vs video conferencingconferencingPOS softwareGamesLindsay LohanLindsay LohanLindsay Lohan BiographyLindsay Lohan GalleryLindsay Lohan RumorsLindsay Lohan NewsLindsay Lohan Top Movie’sLindsay Lohan GlamourLindsay Lohan Life StyleLindsay Lohan Parent Trap Lindsay Lohan’s DVDBackground ChecksBackground Checks Education VerificationEmployment VerificationBackground ChecksAsset SearchBankruptcy RecordsBusiness BackgroundContractor ScreeningDrivers LicenseScuba DivingScuba DivingRescueScuba Diving EquipmentHot spotsRecreational divingCommercial divingScientific diving Diving suitsScuba Diving LessonsStaying fit for divingService ProvidersHealth Check-up for diving Places for Scuba Divingbackground checksdata recoverywifiscuba divingnetwork securitylindsay lohanvoipconferencingsoftware
May 4th, 2005 at 1:50 am
Just to be flippant for a moment:Anyone else notice the similarities getween the Bush administration and the Borg?’Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated into the New World Corporate Order!’On a serious ending note, the Bush administration has just declared war on everyone else in space. I’m beginning to wonder if these clowns aren’t rogue Scientologists who took L. Ron Hubbard’s disgusting science-fiction vision of A future and are trying to make it THE future.Softwaredata recoveryVoIPWhat is WiFiInternet TelephonyVoIP ProviderVoIP Software’>VoIP SoftwareVoIP Services What is VoIPVoIP Phone SystemVoIP DrawbackVoIP ArchitectureVoIP Solutions VoIP ReviewsVoIP TechnologyWiFi CardsWiFi AntenaWiFi IEEE WiFi RangeWiFi WAPWiFi futureWiFi SecurityWiFi Hotspot WiFi BluetoothWiFi Drawbackwhat is data lossdata recoveryraid data recoverydata recovery softwarehard drive data recoverydata recovery servicehard disk data recoverydisk data recovery emergency data recoveryrecovery solutionsComputer Data RecoveryNetwork securityFireWall securityAbout UsNetwork securityContact usSite MapFirewallSecurity TipsFirewallRole of IPHacker TechnologiesVPNRelated Topics Application Layer AttacksIP AddressingIP Spoofing Netwark security scannerNetwork packet sniffersPassword attacksProtecting confidential informationSecurityTrusted Networkbusiness cardsflightsfirewallcar rentalnetwork securitycruisesweddingcorporate giftscheap flightsantivirus softwareBackground ChecksCRMVOIPFree VoIPWiFi Certification
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