Saturday, March 20 2004
My body…my rights?
Okay, so this is a bit more serious than any of my other posts. I didn’t know this story until a few days after it broke, but apparently a lot of people didn’t know about this, because EVERYONE I asked had no idea.
This is the headline, click on it and link to the story:
Utah woman who refused Caesarean charged with murdering fetus
Regardless of what your decision would have been, this case could MAJORLY affect abortion rights.
There are only two groups of people:
I am too young to remember when women didn’t have choice, but I am not too old to get my choice taken away. We can’t let the fact that we have the freedom to make decisions be taken for granted.
On April 25th there is a March for Women’s Lives taking place in Washington DC. If you can make it, I urge you to march.
We don’t have guarantees. Roe vs. Wade can be overturned, and there is a good chance it will be.
This is some scary shit. Seriously scary.
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 03/20/2004 - 12:29pm
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