Tuesday, March 2 2004
So..this is what I’m up to for now…anyone interested?

Do you have what it takes to compete in the ultimate Gentleman’s Club Competition?
The Gentleman’s Club Championships II is looking for beautiful, fun, talented local dancers to compete in their next round of high stakes competition. GCC 2004 is not an “adult” event, it is a contest focusing on the strengths of your dancing abilities as well as showcasing each dancers individual personalities and their ability to shine. Each dancer will display their talents through a series of on camera interviews, a three-minute stage dance, and a lap dance.
The show will tape in Dallas, Texas on April 8th and will air on In Demand Pay Per View in May. GCC 2004 is being hosted by Adult legend Ron Jeremy and Dallas TV and Radio Personality Katie Daryl. There will be a cash prize for the winner of the contest in Dallas.
GCC 2004 will hold an open casting call, this Friday, March 5th.
PLACE: Ripley-Grier Studios
520 Eighth Avenue 16th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Each dancer should bring a headshot, and be prepared to do a 1-2 minute stage dance (you can bring your own music as well). One dancer picked will be chosen to star in the GCC 2004 Commercial taping here in New York on Tuesday, March 9th.
Ladies, this is your chance to shine. To promote the clubs you work at, to promote you individual websites and to have fun and look beautiful.
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 03/2/2021 - 12:27pm
Tell Me You Love Me