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Wednesday, April 27 2011

Want and Desire in Target

This blogpost is coming late in the day, which is better than a day late (unless you’re talking about a period and you’re trying to get pregnant).

photo from a different night of sexy tales and other intimate acts via La Weekly

Last night at Sexy Tales there were many moving moments, but I’m not going to talk about most of them here. (Come to the next Sexy Tales and Other Intimate Acts on Tuesday, May 31st. 8PM, Bronson Bar), Mischa (twitter: myfriendjanice), read a story about finding faith in herself in order to be open to love. It’s a process she’s still going through and the writing was honest and wonderful. In the piece she read:

It’s easy for me to look a man in the eye and ask “Do you want me?” while I stroke his cock and press my breasts against his chest, but how the HELL am I supposed to ask it fully dressed and standing in line at Target?

If you’re in the kind of relationship that doesn’t feel like that, yay you! (written non-ironically) but if you are, well, there are a large number of people like that too. People who are hardened, checked out or emotionally stunted. It made me sad, because you’re not a bad person for being like that, but it’s way more difficult to be open to love! love! love!. Fear is joy paralyzed. That’s what Speed Levitch said, and I do believe. Still, it’s not an easy place to be.

I’m just saying.

Tell Me You Love Me


