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Wednesday, April 20 2011

Romancing the Stone

I have always been inspired by my dear college-friend, MaryBeth, and today is no different. That’s because together, with her loving partner, she has created a line of stone object d’art and sexe that make me clap my hands and say yeah. And while, full disclosure, I have not tried or touched them, the fact that stone dildos have been popular for centuries makes this sex product an easy sell. Plus, I trust her. And I know that stone cold, or hot, can be more fun than wrestling Steve Austin (get it? Stone Cold Steve Austin? is that a good one?).

The Ishtar

If you want to know more, check out their etsy store. It has three different stone dildos. They call it Ital Stone and describe it as “hand carved artisan soapstone for personal pleasure and sensual healing.”

For those who haven’t tried stone in your be-low holes before, here are some reasons why you can, and would, enjoy these hand-carved pieces of happy:

  • Heat it or cool it. Ital Stone can go with the temperature flow for at least one 1/2 hour.
  • Safe and sterile so share away! Boiling water sterilizes the stone, while organic oils will help it slide on in there.
  • Created by parents for people with, and without, children. That means they thought about what having a baby can do to her vulva, and created these products so that women can once again find awareness and strength after childbirth.
  • If you believe in magic…each of their pieces are cleansed with Himilayan Sea Salt and charged under the full moon.

Whatever the reason, if you’re looking to buy a nice toy for your body, or somebody else, don’t overlook romancing the stone.

Tell Me You Love Me


