Monday, September 27 2010
This week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed examines the constitutionality of sex discrimination, girls who are boys who are girls who like ??? and robot sex. Plus, Dan Savage, Ann Coulter (so! today!) and the next generation of birth control options.
- Supreme Court Justice Scalia argues that the Constitution does not bar sex discrimination against women. (Time)
- In Afghanistan, not having a son isn’t always an option. (NYTimes)
- Dan Savage launches the It Gets Better project for LBGT youth. (Youtube)
- An open marriage could bring you closer to your spouse. (YourTango)
- On to the next one. Sex workers online, post Craigslist. (Asylum)
- Hands off my hobby, or “why the industrial revolution would have never happened if, when you pulled the factory lever one way you made a Model T, and if you moved it the other way, you saw hot girl-on-girl action.” A satirical piece on Christine O’Donnell, masturbation and porn. (Slate)
- Heartbroken? Take a Tylenol. (Psychology Today)
- The never-been-married Ann Coulter speaks to gays about marriage. (HuffingtonPost)
- Kinky robot fetish sex, please. (CarnalNation)
- Is birth control finally getting an upgrade? (NYTimes)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 09/27/2010 - 2:07pm
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