Monday, September 20 2010
This week’s sex news you may have missed looks at soda, strippers and saving the environment. Check out the link between soda and gender, and how coke zero differs from diet coke, plus astronomical strip club bills and the environmental benefits of dating local. It’s all so last week!

- Real men drink coke zero. (AJC)
- Craigslist gets out of the adult business. (CNET)
- Modern Love: The Anatomy of Break-Up. (NYTimes)
- Save the Environment. Date Local. (Slate)
- Reading Playboy for the articles. (Gather via TheFrisky)
- Fake pill produces more sex in women. (Businessweek)
- Forget donating to charity or saving small villages, outrageous strip club bills. (Asylum)
- The HPV Vaccine. For boys. (CarnalNation)
- Stephen Colbert proposes “marry your hand” to Christine O’Donnell’s anti-masturbation rhetoric. (HuffPost)
- The gang rape that made it to facebook. (Salon)
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 09/20/2010 - 8:09am
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