Tuesday, April 20 2010
Smoke up, sit back and enjoy the sex news that really isn’t making news anymore. It’s So Last Week the 4.20 edition, but it has little to do with reefer.

- Amanda Flowers claims Wii fit made her a sex addict. Read how. (Huffington Post)
- Condoms in prisons shouldn’t have to be so controversial. (KPBS)
- More condom news comes when labor complaints are filed against 9 porn agencies for not making actors wear condoms. (AP)
- Christian musician Jennifer Knapp comes out. (ChristianityToday)
- Same-sex relationships get another injection of goodness. Obama widens medical rights for gay partners. (NYTimes)
- According to a recent study, older men have better sex lives than older women. Do men have a sexual advantage in the post-viagra world? (RHRealityCheck)
- WTF does this mean? Steven Seagal has a “unique physiological reaction to sexual arousal” according to one assistant. Is the problem is reaction or the fact that he’s bopping his assistant? Only time, and a lawsuit, will tell. (ABC)
- Sex toys with spinning blades and “throbbing squirmys.” Doc Johnson’s Chad Braverman talks about sex-toy design. (Lemondrop)
- Don’t have a cow man, it’s cheese made from breast milk. (NYPost)
- Go with the slow. The “I Did it For Science” writer’s experience with intimacy coaching and the slow sex movement. (Nerve)
Posted in so last week by jamye on 04/20/2010 - 11:52am
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