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Thursday, April 1 2010

Mindful Sex

Here (and hear) Reid Mihalko, a knowledgeable sex educator!, talks about how to really feel sex. Like not just feel it, but more about feeling the “feeling” of it.

Tongue Twister. Sort of.

It’s hard to go really feel “it”, (I’m going “parentheses” crazy today). To be completely open what’s going on between two (or more) bodies, especially when the brain is going like “how fat am I right now?” or “OMG, what if I queef.” When you’re getting to know someone new, it’s way more difficult to be vulnerable and open, and since they may have been a stranger not too long before, it’s easy to want to shut down, off or just roll over. If we didn’t shut down sometimes then we’d be connecting on a more intimate level with every Tom, Dick and Harriet on the street, and we don’t want to do that.

And you’re not fat, and queefs are funny.

So, when we want to feel more, listen to these two minutes of Reid’s talk from his Tantra for Beginners workshops. (Shot at The Pleasure Chest LA, CA).

Tell Me You Love Me


