Tuesday, February 24 2009
In this week’s Sex News Square Down a look at Evangelicals who enjoy ecstatic orgasms. Plus, teen sexting and one writer poses the question, why do liberal men have such a hard time with abortion?
- Sex Positive Evangelicals? A look at those who are preaching the power of sex in marriage.(RHRealityCheck)
- Better late than pregnant (well, if you read the link below that is)..Judith Levine’s brilliant piece on teen sexting. What’s worse than predatory adults? How about other viscous teenagers. (The American Prospect)
- An anonymous essay on abortion (originally printed on Nerve.com) provides us with a look at why liberal men aren’t so liberal when it comes to the a-word. And is anyone out there willing to publish the pamphlet, “So You’re Eating a Cheeseburger With Your Man and Abortion Comes Up?” (Alternet)
- In Kansas you can’t read about The Joy of Sex or The Joy of Gay Sex until you at least 18 - because if you find joy in sex before you’re 18, then what? Marty Klein makes me laugh with his 10 reasons to support this absurd book ban. (The Legal Satyricon)
- Does raunchy music make children want to have sex? I think the better question is when are we going to stop trying to blame every musician and book and start teaching accurate sex education instead? (US News and World Report)
- Ready to brush up on your lesbian? A list of the top ten types of lesbians is available for your studies (Lezgetreal)
- Looking for something to do tonight in NY? Make it a gala night, with the Cinekink opening night part-ay. (Cinekink)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 02/24/2009 - 7:09pm
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