Tuesday, February 17 2009
In this weeks Sex News Square Down we flashback to Cher in a bathtub and then flash forward to a NYC event you won’t want to miss. In between we’ll reminisce about the songs that made us want to put our hands on other people’s orifices, discuss ways to green our sex life and the value of condoms.
- Remember the time when Cher sang about it being in his kiss? Well she was onto something, even if what she thought she was onto was a number one hit. When it comes to a kiss, new studies suggest that smooching can tell you a lot about your body, and your chemistry. (Reuters)
- File this under cut and paste (that’s what I’ve done with the title of this one, and the one below) “Why Using Sex Toys, Watching Porn, and Going Green Is an Easy Fit.” (Alternet.org)
- “Sex Tips for Greens.” (Chico News and Review)
- The Onion’s A.V. Club pays homage to 30 songs about the licking and sucking of various body parts. (The AV Club)
- Still looking for excuses to have more sex? A reminder of the health benefits of lots-o-lovin’. (The Sacramento Bee)
- Of course, lots-o-lovin’ depends on your age and your state of mind. If you’re young, or not sure about what can happen when you have sex, read Alfie Patten’s story. It’s just another example of why proper sex education is so needed in schools. (The Sun)
- And if the above story inspires you to practice safer sex, or even if it doesn’t, check out Planned Parenthood’s compilation of condom videos. (youtube.com)
- Meet the best dyke porn producer in San Francisco, and one of the best, if not the current reigning champion of dyke porn, in the world. (SF Weekly blog)
- Happening in NY this Friday: A dialogue on Sex in America: Can the Conversation Change? Worth the time if you’re in town, it’s a panel discussion featuring some of the best and the brightest of the EC. (The Open Center)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 02/17/2009 - 7:06am
Tell Me You Love Me

February 18th, 2009 at 4:27 pm
[...] - Goin’ green and gettin’ off - a marriage made in heaven. (via Jamye Waxman) [...]
February 19th, 2009 at 9:48 am
What happened to HNT? My favorite part of your blog…