Male Anatomy 101
I’ve skewed the story just a little - to make the article more readable. Nevertheless, the story is real, and the parts I took out were the ones that said, “research says, bladah, bladah, blah…” Research showed that there was a “small percentage” of men who ejaculate A LOT and still get cancer. Well, obviously, we can’t completely generalize here, can we? Different strokes for different folks, that’s how the saying goes anyway…
Frequent Sex May Reduce Prostate-Cancer Risk, Study Shows
April 6 (Bloomberg) — Frequent sexual activity may reduce a man’s risk of
prostate cancer, according to a study in the April 7 Journal of the American
Medical Association.
The cancer risk in men who reported more than 20 monthly ejaculations was 33
percent less than that of other men, the Harvard University study showed.
Elevated testosterone has been tied to both a high sex drive and prostate
cancer, which had led scientists to propose a link between cancer and sexual
There are several ways in which frequent ejaculations may protect against
prostate cancer, the researchers said. The activity may flush out a buildup
of toxins in the prostate, lessen development of tiny crystals linked to
some cancers, and improve the immune system’s response to cancer, Leitzmann,
I assume he’s a scientist since I probably cut out the part of the article
that introduced him as such, said.
How It May Work
Ejaculation also may release psychological tension, quieting central nervous
system activity that may contribute to prostate- cell division and cancer
growth, the researchers said.
Almost all the previous research showed sexual activity increased cancer
risk, he said. Those studies may have been biased because researchers asked
patients to recall activities that occurred years earlier, before they were
diagnosed with cancer and received treatment, which may interfere with
sexual activity, he said.
“What we can say is that this hormonal hypothesis needs to be
re-evaluated,” said Leitzmann, who led the study when he was a
post-doctoral student at Harvard. “It would be good for future research to
focus on different biological mechanisms.”
Sex. It ain’t just for screwin’ anymore.
April 9th, 2004 at 6:53 pm
wow, thanks. now i can use the new pickup line, baby, i know you think i’m creepy but you can keep me alive a little longer. or at least i can justify the dvd’s under my be
December 4th, 2004 at 8:16 pm
Hi Guys
Thanks for taking the time posting. MSN have finally launch blogs, what was with the delay?
Personal Answering
December 7th, 2004 at 3:47 am
information on zoloft including side effects, pharmacology and dosage.
March 9th, 2005 at 2:50 pm
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April 1st, 2005 at 7:42 pm
Anti aging therapies is a definite guide to supplements and nutrients, that have been proposed to slow and or reverse human aging.
April 29th, 2005 at 3:56 am
Just to be flippant for a moment:Anyone else notice the similarities getween the Bush administration and the Borg?’Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated into the New World Corporate Order!’On a serious ending note, the Bush administration has just declared war on everyone else in space. I’m beginning to wonder if these clowns aren’t rogue Scientologists who took L. Ron Hubbard’s disgusting science-fiction vision of A future and are trying to make it THE future.Softwaredata recoveryVoIPWhat is WiFiInternet TelephonyVoIP ProviderVoIP SoftwareVoIP Services What is VoIPVoIP Phone SystemVoIP DrawbackVoIP ArchitectureVoIP Solutions VoIP ReviewsVoIP TechnologyWiFi CardsWiFi AntenaWiFi IEEE WiFi RangeWiFi WAPWiFi futureWiFi SecurityWiFi Hotspot WiFi BluetoothWiFi Drawbackwhat is data lossdata recoveryraid data recoverydata recovery softwarehard drive data recoverydata recovery servicehard disk data recoverydisk data recovery emergency data recoveryrecovery solutionsComputer Data RecoveryNetwork securityFireWall securityAbout UsNetwork securityContact usSite MapFirewallSecurity TipsFirewallRole of IPHacker TechnologiesVPNRelated Topics Application Layer AttacksIP AddressingIP Spoofing Netwark security scannerNetwork packet sniffersPassword attacksProtecting confidential informationSecurityTrusted Networkbusiness cardsflightsfirewallcar rentalnetwork securitycruisesweddingcorporate giftscheap flightsantivirus softwareBackground ChecksCRMVOIPFree VoIPDefinition of VOIPVoIP ArchitectureVOIP ReviewsAuto Telephone DialersUnlimited Free VOIPCRM software reviewsVOIP TechnologiesVoIP ProviderBPOERPAutomotive SoftwareFree driver downloadsVoIP ArchitectureMedical billing softwareConstruction softwareDatabase managementWeb designing softwareconferencingvideo conferencingsecure video conferencingweb vs video conferencingconferencingPOS softwareGamesLindsay LohanLindsay LohanLindsay Lohan BiographyLindsay Lohan GalleryLindsay Lohan RumorsLindsay Lohan NewsLindsay Lohan Top Movie’sLindsay Lohan GlamourLindsay Lohan Life StyleLindsay Lohan Parent Trap Lindsay Lohan’s DVDBackground ChecksBackground Checks Education VerificationEmployment VerificationBackground ChecksAsset SearchBankruptcy RecordsBusiness BackgroundContractor ScreeningDrivers LicenseScuba DivingScuba DivingRescueScuba Diving EquipmentHot spotsRecreational divingCommercial divingScientific diving Diving suitsScuba Diving LessonsStaying fit for divingService ProvidersHealth Check-up for diving Places for Scuba Divingbackground checksdata recoverywifiscuba divingnetwork securitylindsay lohanvoipconferencingsoftware
May 2nd, 2005 at 3:19 am
Just to be flippant for a moment:Anyone else notice the similarities getween the Bush administration and the Borg?’Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated into the New World Corporate Order!’On a serious ending note, the Bush administration has just declared war on everyone else in space. I’m beginning to wonder if these clowns aren’t rogue Scientologists who took L. Ron Hubbard’s disgusting science-fiction vision of A future and are trying to make it THE future.Softwaredata recoveryVoIPWhat is WiFiInternet TelephonyVoIP ProviderVoIP SoftwareVoIP Services What is VoIPVoIP Phone SystemVoIP DrawbackVoIP ArchitectureVoIP Solutions VoIP ReviewsVoIP TechnologyWiFi CardsWiFi AntenaWiFi IEEE WiFi RangeWiFi WAPWiFi futureWiFi SecurityWiFi Hotspot WiFi BluetoothWiFi Drawbackwhat is data lossdata recoveryraid data recoverydata recovery softwarehard drive data recoverydata recovery servicehard disk data recoverydisk data recovery emergency data recoveryrecovery solutionsComputer Data RecoveryNetwork securityFireWall securityAbout UsNetwork securityContact usSite MapFirewallSecurity TipsFirewallRole of IPHacker TechnologiesVPNRelated Topics Application Layer AttacksIP AddressingIP Spoofing Netwark security scannerNetwork packet sniffersPassword attacksProtecting confidential informationSecurityTrusted Networkbusiness cardsflightsfirewallcar rentalnetwork securitycruisesweddingcorporate giftscheap flightsantivirus softwareBackground ChecksCRMVOIPFree VoIPDefinition of VOIPVoIP ArchitectureVOIP ReviewsAuto Telephone DialersUnlimited Free VOIPCRM software reviewsVOIP TechnologiesVoIP ProviderBPOERPAutomotive SoftwareFree driver downloadsVoIP ArchitectureMedical billing softwareConstruction softwareDatabase managementWeb designing softwareconferencingvideo conferencingsecure video conferencingweb vs video conferencingconferencingPOS softwareGamesLindsay LohanLindsay LohanLindsay Lohan BiographyLindsay Lohan GalleryLindsay Lohan RumorsLindsay Lohan NewsLindsay Lohan Top Movie’sLindsay Lohan GlamourLindsay Lohan Life StyleLindsay Lohan Parent Trap Lindsay Lohan’s DVDBackground ChecksBackground Checks Education VerificationEmployment VerificationBackground ChecksAsset SearchBankruptcy RecordsBusiness BackgroundContractor ScreeningDrivers LicenseScuba DivingScuba DivingRescueScuba Diving EquipmentHot spotsRecreational divingCommercial divingScientific diving Diving suitsScuba Diving LessonsStaying fit for divingService ProvidersHealth Check-up for diving Places for Scuba Divingbackground checksdata recoverywifiscuba divingnetwork securitylindsay lohanvoipconferencingsoftware
May 3rd, 2005 at 8:26 am
Just to be flippant for a moment:Anyone else notice the similarities getween the Bush administration and the Borg?’Resistance is futile! You will be assimilated into the New World Corporate Order!’On a serious ending note, the Bush administration has just declared war on everyone else in space. I’m beginning to wonder if these clowns aren’t rogue Scientologists who took L. Ron Hubbard’s disgusting science-fiction vision of A future and are trying to make it THE future.Softwaredata recoveryVoIPWhat is WiFiInternet TelephonyVoIP ProviderVoIP Software’>VoIP SoftwareVoIP Services What is VoIPVoIP Phone SystemVoIP DrawbackVoIP ArchitectureVoIP Solutions VoIP ReviewsVoIP TechnologyWiFi CardsWiFi AntenaWiFi IEEE WiFi RangeWiFi WAPWiFi futureWiFi SecurityWiFi Hotspot WiFi BluetoothWiFi Drawbackwhat is data lossdata recoveryraid data recoverydata recovery softwarehard drive data recoverydata recovery servicehard disk data recoverydisk data recovery emergency data recoveryrecovery solutionsComputer Data RecoveryNetwork securityFireWall securityAbout UsNetwork securityContact usSite MapFirewallSecurity TipsFirewallRole of IPHacker TechnologiesVPNRelated Topics Application Layer AttacksIP AddressingIP Spoofing Netwark security scannerNetwork packet sniffersPassword attacksProtecting confidential informationSecurityTrusted Networkbusiness cardsflightsfirewallcar rentalnetwork securitycruisesweddingcorporate giftscheap flightsantivirus softwareBackground ChecksCRMVOIPFree VoIPWiFi Certification
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