Friday, February 11 2011
Love it or hate it, Valentines Day has crept up on us yet again. Whether you’re single or in a triad, Valentines Day can be anxiety producing or overly exciting, but regardless of if you want to poo-poo V-day or play it up, it is a holiday that reminds us of love.
From my hotel room in Arvada CO (that’s Arvaaada, not Arvayda) I’ve recorded this week’s Hot Sox Podcast on how we can make the best of this sometimes dreaded love-fest of a day. My best idea (if I can say so myself) is thinking of making Valentines day the new New Years of Love. But that’s not all I think of. Nope. From how to do V-day on a budget to ways to show your self love, I’ll take it out of the bedroom and into the garage to help you switch sex up a bit. Plus, why sending a letter through the post office can be better than sex. This V-day podcast will either inspire you to get out there and love, or make you want to punch me in the face.
I report. You decide.
Subscribe to the Hot Sox Podcast here.
Posted in hot sox podcast, podcast, seX matters, sex advice by jamye on 02/11/2021 - 1:06pm
Tell Me You Love Me