Monday, January 31 2011
This week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed covers race bias in STI testing, SSRI’s and the options around S-E-X and if Troy Aikman is GAY, WWNFLD?
- Disturbing evidence of race bias in STI testing. (Jezebel)
- Pills for depression often lead to depressing sex. (Salon)
- Ted Haggard’s a masturbation guy. (ChristianToday)
- Troy Aikman. Does being a part of the NFL keep him in the closet? (Examiner)
- Facebook as foreplay? How social media leads to sex more quickly. (ABC)
- Chyng Sun, anti-porn, armed with a point and years of research. What is the price of pleasure? (CreativeLoafing)
- Rand Paul’s abortion hypocrisy. (DailyBeast)
- Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and underage girl no. 2. (TheAustralian)
- The Complete Linda Lovelace starring Kate Hudson and James Franco? Go Eric Danville, go! (E!)
- An interview with me, sex educator style. (TheWellVersed)
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 01/31/2011 - 6:04am
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