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Wednesday, September 15 2010

Andrew Einhorn Makes Naked Girls Happy

Aaah, pictures of happy, naked girls.  Who’s the lucky photographer?

His name is Andrew Einhorn, and when he’s not making naked girls smile, I don’t know what he does.

I’ve known Andrew since the early 2000’s. He was hard not to notice the first time he bopped into the green room of a TV show I produced called Naked New York, a show, mind you, with no nudity. He made me smile. He was there to promote doing what he’s still doing today (shooting naked women, not girls, really) and from our first meeting I remember discussing Philadelphia (where he hails from) and how he had worked with Spencer Tunick, and that the name of his production company had something to do with cats and dogs.

I’ve known him about as many years as the average American marriage lasts. And like some of those marriages, we don’t talk much.

Last year, when he asked me to write the intro to his newest picture book, Naked Coast to Coast, I gladly accepted and then dug deep, back to a time, when Andrew and I did hang out more. I remember a specific day, back in the big blackout of 2003, that we spent a night together. Not like that. No sexy times.

This was almost two years after the year that will live as 9.11 forever and for those of us who lived in NY, when that blackout hit, we thought the world was finally going to end. It was that night that I found myself in Andrew’s downtown apartment, sitting in the dark with a few other random folks, talking about bathtubs and shooting naked women in them. Andrew had just completed a shoot for another of his books that day, and I wondered what it would be like to completely shoot the nude body for a living. Or to be the nude body shot for of living. And what is it like when it’s the naked body of the kind of human being that you, the photographer, are actually attracted to?

Andrew doesn’t not hook up with some of his models. He says so right here, in this Gram Ponante interview. But it’s only a perk of the job, I suppose. For Andrew, capturing the raw beauty of comfortable nakedness and getting to know the subject is what’s important. I can’t speak personally and say he’s a great cunniliguist, but I do know that Andrew is a fantastic conversationalist.

And that can be seen, along with naked pictures of happy girls in both San Francisco and New York (hence the coast to coast), in his latest book. If naked girl coffee table books are your thing (and c’mon who couldn’t stand to have a few in the house) at least give it a looksie. The book took two years to complete, and Andrew is always looking for models. If you want to learn more, and get a glimpse of the pretty pics I didn’t post, check out his website, Naked Coast to Coast.

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