Monday, September 13 2010
Welcome to another posting of So Last Week, Sex News You May Have Missed. In this morning’s edition (yes, I got it up in the morning..wahoo!) it’s time to put the kabosh on the casual use of the term rape (
birth rape, facebook rape, etc.) and a time to ask and tell for gays in the military. Plus Rachel Maddow won’t say masturbation.
- The rise of rape talk. Not so funny. (
- Don’t ask, don’t tell is thrown out of court, making it (potentially) easier for gays in the military to come out of the closet. (LATimes)
- Emotional independence. Is it time for feminism to set single women free? (HuffingtonPost)
- Presidential sex appeal. Has Obama lost his? (TheDailyBeast)
- Survey says fat guys go longer and premature ejaculation, it’s a skinny guy thing.(Couriermail via Asylum)
- Pornography and technology. A Q&A on how the latter couldn’t evolve without the former. (TorontoStar)
- Mesh. Bra. Sewn into skin. Why does the thought of it make me queasy? (DailyMail)
- TMI: I was masturbating while watching this uncomfortable clip of Rachel Maddow stumbling over the word masturbation. (TVSquad)
- Scientifically proven dance moves make guys more attractive to members of the opposite sex. Straight, white men take note. (CNN)
- More video to make you smile. Betty Bowers, America’s best Christian, will save you from sex. (CarnalNation)
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 09/13/2010 - 6:00am
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