Monday, August 23 2010
This weeks So Last Week: Sex News You May Have Missed explores life without gender, without foreskins and without Harry Popper condoms (hey, it could happen).
- Life without gender. No its, ands or buts. (Newsweek)
- So today: Eastern Cape, South Africa: Boys hoping to gain manhood lose more in horrific circumcision rituals. (LATimes)
- More housework = more sex: the relationship between household labor and sexual frequency gets its own study. (NYTimes)
- W4M4M. A heterosexual Christian wife writes gay male erotica because M/M romance novels are a turn on for straight women. (Out)
- Couples opting for separate bedrooms may stay married longer. (DailyMail)
- Warner Brothers sues over Harry Popper condoms. (Gawker)
- New to Burning Man? Here’s virgin’s guide to having sex on the playa. (CarnalNation)
- The Oral Sex Light. How dark is this? (TheFrisky)
- Did you hear the one where Barney asks Fred why he needs a third head? Sexual innuendos from cartoons gone by. (Asylum)
- Heidi Montag doesn’t want her sex life inflated, just her breasts. (CBS)
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 08/23/2010 - 8:40am
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