Tuesday, August 17 2010
Today brings not one, but two podcasts, along with four of the same, albeit different colored, photos of my mouth - all to, and for, your attention. (Is that too much math for this blog?)
The first is Sexy Stuff, hosted by Dr. Lori Buckley. On Friday I sat down with her and her co-host Mark Phelan to talk about everything from the AVN Novelty Expo to the G-spot and sex educator celibacy. It’s a fun show, although we do forget to have the Big O for world peace at the end. Bummer.
Next, Gram Ponante is my guest on the latest Hot Sox podcast. For those of you who don’t know Mr. Ponante, he is America’s beloved porn journalist - and you can click on the NSFW link under his name to find out much more. He has loads of insight into the adult industry and he’s weird AND funny (BONUS!). Only thing about this podcast is the sound quality. We were just talking on skype when I realized I needed to figure out how to interview and record people via the medium, and voila, a podcast was born. Gram’s sitting a little farther away from his mic than I’d like, so sound quality is low, or rather, isn’t quality. Just crank up your speakers to hear the pearls of wisdom that drip forth from Mr. Ponante’s perfect lips.
Posted in TIT, seX matters by jamye on 08/17/2010 - 5:01pm
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