Monday, August 16 2010
This week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed goes from the cellular to the vulvar (with a little pee wee thrown in).

- iPhone users get 2x more booty than their Droid Counterparts. (Gizmodo)
- Engineering for sexual orientation. In the womb, doctors try to find a way to limit homosexuality. (LATimes)
- Pee Wee Herman says it wasn’t his pee-wee, or his hand, masturbating in that movie theater back in 1991. What’s worse is that he got more press for choking his chicken than Jeffrey Dahmer did for mass murder. (NYDailyNews)
- High School students: The link between academic achievement and sex has the greatest affect on those who do it casually. (Businessweek)
- Aurora Snow: Confessions of a porn MILF…at 28! (DailyBeast)
- The Marriage Ideal. Gay or Straight, Monogamy or Polygamy - what we think of as traditional marriage is not. (NYTimes)
- Vulvar fashion for the vulva conscience, Cosmo declares hair is back! (Jezebel)
- The skinny on sex. More women would rather lose pounds than pound. (Salon)
- Woman sleeps with 5,000 men, media goes batty. (CarnalNation)
- Montana Fishburne. More of the story. (YourTango)
Posted in seX matters by jamye on 08/16/2010 - 9:27am
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