Monday, August 9 2010
Naked Barbie calendars. Pole Dancing for Six Year Olds. A video game that kills catcallers. So Last Week: Sex News You May Have Missed celebrates the madness, mayhem and more.
- Buh-bye Proposition 8: Ban on gay marriage in California, you’re out. (BostonGlobe)
- Hey Baby. What others think about a video game that kills catcalls and their catcallers. (CarnalNation)
- Alcohol and adultery, do Americans need to be F*@ked up more often? (Jezebel).
- One father’s dispatch from a camp for kids who sparkle. Read it and seep. (Slate)
- Pole Dancing for six year olds, is that so wrong? (Salon)
- 12 months worth of naked Barbie. (Asylum)
- Oxytocin. What you know you don’t know, or don’t know you know, or what others want you to think you know. No? (io9)
- Middle Men. The rise of internet porn hits the big screen. (USAToday)
- Sex work in China, rally on. (WSJ)
- Getting buzzed on vacation: 5 toys to tinker with. (TheStir)
Posted in seX matters, so last week by jamye on 08/9/2021 - 11:17am
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