Monday, April 6 2009
In this week’s Sex News Square Down Middle America takes a progressive approach on marriage (yay Iowa!), while Massachusetts tries to control the naked bodies of people over 60. And a fascinating take on the male biological clock. Can you hear it ticking?
- Hats off to Iowa, where marriage will someday soon mean more than man and wife. (Huffington Post)
- Naked and aging? Then you might not want to visit the state of Massachusetts. That’s where state representative Kathi-Anne Reinstein has introduced a bill to make it illegal for anyone over 60 to pose nude/sexually for a camera. Marty Klein enlightens us. (Sexual Intelligence)
- How a man might see his seed if he knew that he was part of the biological equation. (NY Times Magazine)
- Planet of the Apes. In times of money problems, do women prefer hair on their men? It’s out with the metrosexual, and in with the gorilla, at least according to this article from down under. (
- Does Annie Sprinkle as keynote speaker rain on the parade that is The Visions of Feminine Conference at American University? Amanda Hess seems to think it might. (Washington City Paper)
Posted in personal touch, seX matters by jamye on 04/6/2021 - 1:19pm
Tell Me You Love Me

April 10th, 2009 at 4:35 pm
[...] - Sex positivity is bad for feminism. Hmm… something about that makes no sense to me. (via Jamye Waxman) [...]