Friday, March 9 2012

In this week’s Hot Sox Podcast I talk with Tess Danesi and Dee “Diva” Dennis about Momentum — their cutting edge conference on sex, feminism and relationships. I’ve known both of these sexy mamas (they are both mothers too) for a number of years and together, and apart, they are a force to be reckoned with. Their current project, Momentum, has a stellar line up and it’s happening in just few weeks in Washington DC. Be there if you can…and if you can’t, you can still listen to our podcast. We skyped down (since we didn’t sit down) to discuss sex, education, motherhood, masturbation, consent, pornography, golden lassos and community.
Listen here, or via itunes.
Posted in hot sox podcast, seX matters by jamye on 03/9/2021 - 11:35am
Tell Me You Love Me