Monday, October 31 2011
In this week’s So Last Week, Sex News You May Have Missed the Atlantic calls out to all the single ladies. When men are raped. Love between pepper spritzes at Occupy Wall Street, the Starbucks masturbater & the fictional first f**k.
- Single ladies: Why it sucks, or doesn’t suck, to be you. (TheAtlantic)
- Yes, rape victims get erections too. (GoodMenProject)
- A love connection born out of pepper spray at Occupy Wall Street. (Gothamist)
- Inside the gay-cure ministries. (
- Why the person you fuck on the first date is more fiction than fact. (Jezebel)
- Premature ejaculation, may not be just a guy thing. Premature orgasm and the modern woman. (LiveScience)
- The “Get your freak on” note seen round the world. (BoingBoing)
- Go Logan Go! Fox news doctor is bad news when it comes to his homophobic, misogynistic rants. (HuffPo)
- If the snow this weekend wasn’t odd enough New York, you’ve got a man who plans to masturbate in every Starbucks bathroom across the city too. Meet Mr. PeePee. (StarbucksGossip)
- Porn star helps fluff MLB players. (CBS)
Posted in so last week by jamye on 10/31/2011 - 12:31pm
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