Monday, August 22 2011
In this week’s so last week, sex news you may have missed the China’s “naked marriage” problem. Plus the Holy Bible and pornography. Six Legged Insect Sex and Hysteria! The Vibrator Movie Trailer. Plus a whole lot more! more! more!
- China tries to stop women from marrying for money. Love, they say! Love! (
- Can the Christian crusade against pornography bear fruit? (CNN)
- Bizarre plan reveals Britain thought of turning Hitler into a woman to win the war. (
- Insex: Everything you wanted to know about bug sex but didn’t even think to ask. (NPR)
- Sex on a first date doesn’t have to mean anything more or less than sex on a first date. (GoodMenProject)
- Homosexual zebra finches are attached and faithful. (BBC)
- Meet the Duet. A vibrator and USB Flash Drive! (Signature9)
- California porn ballet initiative underway. (LATimes)
- Hysteria. The movie trailer that’s got everyone buzzing. (Moviefone)
- Women beats partner with strap-on penis. Then charged with domestic violence. (UnicornBooty)
image via marcfalardeau/flickr
Posted in so last week by jamye on 08/22/2011 - 5:47am
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